My coworker / friend and I were sitting in our lovely cubicles in 2009 and decided that we needed more adventure in our lives. We wanted a different travel experience where you were very active in the outdoors. REI Adventures was our solution. We found a beginners backpacking weekend in Yosemite National Park in California. Yes!

I had no experience backpacking so when I got the gear list I started hunting down the backpack, clothing, hiking boots, sleeping gear, headlamps, bowls and utensils, etc. I had none of the equipment. So, I made my way to REI to stock up. There were things on the list like an orange trowel...what was that for?? I told myself that I didn't need that (to save money too)...boy was I wrong. I also thought to myself, there are more things I need to bring with me so the packing list got extra long.
During the weeks leading up to the trip, I would "practice" backpacking. This is really hard to accomplish in flat Florida. I feared blisters from my new, shiny hiking boots and that I wouldn't be able to handle a 30-35 pound pack. I would head out every weekend with my accounting books stacked into the backpack. If you have never seen college accounting books, they are huge and heavy. Hand weights did work and were awkward in the pack. Several times in the 90 degree heat, I would go out to local "walking" trails. The whole time outside, I told myself that I was crazy and I couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into.
In June 2009, I headed out to California. For the first few days in San Francisco, Monterey, and Napa, I travelled by myself. It was a little lonely but the sites were amazing. From the Golden Gate Bridge to Monterey Aquarium to touring wineries, I had a full itinerary to see Northern California. This was the first trip where I had to get used to eating alone during my meals and navigating in my tiny Dodge Neon rental car. I was lucky enough to met up with a family friend and she took me around Napa for wine tours. I told myself it was time to get out of my comfort bubble, so I decided to try paragliding off the California cliffs. We got so high that I was able to see the Golden Gate Bridge. I did get a little nauseous when the pilot decided to do some spinning.
After my 3 days of solo travel, I picked up my coworker/friend and her sister at the airport. We made our way to Yosemite National Park. The poor Dodge Neon almost didn't make it up the windy, mountain roads but we finally made it to the Valley. We met up with our group of beginner backpackers and the guides. First thing was that we were required to take out everything from our backpacks and put it on a tarp. The trip leader then went through all the items and told us what needed to stay and what needed to go. My eyes bulged out of my head when the majority of the items were to go back into the car. Also, I saw the size of the two person tent. What?? We are sharing 'that' tent? Lastly, we had a talk about bears, bear boxes, and not having any food or smelly, girly bath products in the tent. What?? Bears?? I didn't sign up for this, haha. After the initial shock subsided, we had our first group dinner and stayed our first night in the Valley. My friend swore there was a bear outside of our tent in the middle of the night. I didn't sleep much the first night from excitement and fear of being eaten because I forgot to put my jolly ranchers in the bear box.
The next morning, we were off on our backcountry adventure. Pure adrenaline and excitement was pulsing through my veins. We hiked for around 8 miles into the wilderness to get to our camp site. It was when I needed to go to the bathroom for the first time that it really hit me that I was in the woods...for 4 days / 3 nights. It was so difficult to find a place to hide and squat on the trail. Apologies for the bathroom talk, but it was probably one of the hardest things to get used to other than not having any running water or sleeping on the hard ground. We set up camp, put all of our smelly stuff in the bear canisters, and soaked our feet in the cold river near camp. Our guides fixed an amazing dinner of vegetable stew on just a small camp stove. Day 2 and I'm realizing that this is what I need on a more regular basis, mother nature.
Day 3 we went on day hikes from our campsite. One trail brought us to the top of Yosemite Falls. The other took us to Yosemite Point that gives you amazing views of North Dome. During part of out backcountry trekking it started to hail, like big ole pieces of hail. We all found a tree to hide under to not get pelted so much. Though it could have ruined part of the trip, we all took it in stride. The group we were with was such an amazing mix of individuals. Anyone was willing to help out at any point and the trip brought us pretty close. We closed the day by drying out our clothes with the campfire.
Day 4 came way to quickly. The guides made amazing cheese pancakes in the morning (yes, cheese). Then we broken down camp and packed our bags. It was hard to say goodbye to such a wonderful group; however, I really wanted a shower ASAP. We all left with a refreshed view of life along with a certificate for passing the beginner backpackers course. Luckily I didn't get eaten by a bear and I did figure out why the orange trowel was an important item to buy off the packing list.
Here is a few things I learned on this trip:
It's is okay to have alone time. Don't let others judgements about you eating alone or travelling alone stop you from having those experiences.
Get out of your comfort zone on a regular basis.
Get into nature.
Always bring a rain jacket everywhere you go.
Items that I'm incorporating into my business:
Lack of running water and precious bathroom facilities is tough. Many people many not like that experience or may forget their trusty orange trowel. A modern bathroom is a must.
Sleeping on the ground is hard, literally. A bed is needed for a decent nights sleep.
Simple camp food is yummy. Some customers may want to learn how to camp cook.
Campfires bring the group together. A night campfire is a necessity.