Many people have asked how I "got into" yoga. Well, I could tell you that I was skeptical at first like most people. When I was told, "yoga will really help you", I said to myself, "yoga, really?". All I ever saw online was the bendy yogis who could touch their toes. Let me tell you, I never excelled in touching my toes (and really still can't today even after 10+ years of practicing yoga). I always hated the presidential fitness test in physical education (PE) class because I could never even get my hands remotely close to the line on the "sit and reach test" box. I don't think I ever passed that darn test and became yet another kid to beat themselves over it and dread that day in PE.
It all started with an attempt at playing golf. As most of us in our 20s, we are all trying to get ahead in corporate America. One day, a partner at my job asked me if I wanted to take golf lessons and be in a client golf tournament. Duh, of course, how hard can golf be, right? I played tennis the majority of my life and I'm pretty sporty so it didn't seem too far fetched that I wouldn't be good at golf. I not only started golf lessons with other females in the office but I also took separate lessons at University of North Florida just so I could blow my partner away on tournament day. Well, that never happened, at least, the impressing the partner part (we came in last place even playing 'best ball'). I did; however, play my heart out and ended up popping a rib head out of alignment. Come to find out, divoting and tight muscles do not pair well.
At first, I just figured I pulled a muscle. I waited a few weeks to go get it checked out. I went to a chiropractor who then sent me to a place to get my torso x-rayed. The assistant asked me "why are you here" and I said "a golf injury". She laughed and thought I was joking. Once the chiropractor figured out it was a rib head popped out, he just popped it back in and the pain went away.
I wish I could say that everything was better after that....nope. My muscles were so tight and neither the chiropractor or my masseuse could get them to relax. After two years, I had enough. I was getting a desk ergonomics assessment at my new job and the person told me about a local lady (Stacy) that works the fascia of the muscles and is a miracle worker. I called her up the next day and got an appointment a few months later. On our first visit, she asked me if I practice yoga. I was like "yoga, um no, I can't touch my toes". Then she spoke most of the appointment about how yoga would help me and specifically hot yoga would be the most beneficial. After the appointment, I found a studio in between my house and my work called Hot Spot Power Yoga. Little did I know that me walking into that studio that day would change my life.

My first time going to Hot Spot was an experience. I was nervous, especially about the 90 degree heated room. We started the class with three 'ohms' and everyone had their eyes closed (except for me because I thought it was so weird). People during class were moaning and letting out large sighs. The whole time I kept saying to myself "what the hell is this and how it going to help me?, these people are so strange". After the class I felt more stressed and tense because at that point in my life, I wanted to appear perfect. I kept on going back. I wouldn't talk to anyone nor felt the need to sigh or 'ohm'. I just followed what the teacher was saying, to the "T". It wasn't until one teacher I came across gave a very playful class (thanks Karina). We were making 'moo' sounds in cow pose, 'meow' sounds in cat pose, acting like gorillas, and doing lions face with 'roars'. All the animal sounds and playfulness helped drop my guard and not be so strict with myself or my practice. I got addicted to yoga.
I started to feel so much better. To my surprise, when I let the fear of falling on my face subside, I was able to get into crow post and even do headstands. I was getting into poses that I only dreamed of. My confidence rose and my release on life was more sunny and positive. What is this drug 'yoga' and I have to get more. I got enough courage to travel by myself (since most of my friends were getting married or having babies). Every time I traveled, I made sure to get into a yoga pose on mountains, trees, anywhere that I could. I do think yoga changed my life and still does to this day. Sitting here writing this, I'm teary eyed. I'm so thankful for the people that helped pushed me, not only to heal my body but also my mind and spirit.
I became a yoga instructor in 2020, ten years after I started my first yoga class. I've been on several yoga retreats and still to this day take pictures of me in yoga poses all across the world.
What I have learned during my years of practicing yoga:
Treat yourself like you would treat others. Be kind.
Everyday is different, sometimes you will get into a complicated, pretzely pose, sometimes you won't and it is OKAY!
Every person has their own yoga practice. You do you!
Drop the fear. Oh the places you will go and do without fear holding you back.
What I would like to bring to Glamp GVL:
I would like to help people drop the fear of yoga. You don't have to be bendy or skinny or flexible or anything, you just show up as you.
Teach others that yoga is more than 'asanas' / postures and is more than a workout class. Getting a a good workout is an extra benefit. Yoga is a spiritual as well as physical practice (I'll share my knowledge in later blog / social media posts).
Give others tools in their toolbox to de-stress, love themselves and others, and be the best person they can be.
We will have daily yoga asana practices (day and evening) at Glamp GVL. We will also bring in meditation, sound baths, and other spiritual practices along with the physical practice.